


Naagin (shape shifting female snake) is a story of love and revenge. Naagin delves into the life of Ritik. Shivanya is stuck between two extreme emotions -- love and vengeance. Shivanya's friend, Sesa is her support system, but she has an ulterior motive that no one knows about. The constant conflict between love and revenge drive these protagonists together as their lives clash in a coming together of their past histories.【网友评价】:揚起長髮的熱風评价:Mou妹也拯救不了這尬劇【2019-02-11】呦评价:现在百度网盘资源还有,出了2部,大家抓紧保存【2018-08-10】奎师那吹爆协会评价:很好看的咖喱片。【2018-05-31】doubanjun评价:不错,有点恐怖【2018-03-16】文过饰非虚弱鸡评价:但是演技真的很尬啊,2.5星吧。。【2017-12-02】waterfor评价:无分特效,总体觉得实在太搞笑了【2017-04-09】
