

《人质》是一部令人瞠目结舌的惊悚片,有着意想不到的转折和强烈的情感,”TV4 Media和C More北欧剧导演Piodor Gustafsson说,他也是《人质》的执行制片人。这部剧不负我们的厚望,在这个间谍丑闻层出不穷、大国政治受到影响的时代,它的主题既切题又切合当下 Hostage is a jaw-dropping drama thriller with unexpected twists and strong emotions,” said Piodor Gustafsson, Nordic drama director for TV4 Media and C More, and Hostage executive producer. ”The series lives up to our high expectations and in a time of dramatic spy revelations and infected great power politics, the theme is both relevant and very current
