

不安于现代生活的抽象神秘,我们一手拿筷一手上网,通过介质,口腔咀嚼物质,眼睛吸收知识和娱乐,身体交战,大脑和胃争夺消化的能量,一顿下来筋疲力竭……食物的尸体不来自身边,它们的亡灵要回家——我们吃的不是饭,而是信息。 Restless in the abstraction and mystery of modern life, we hold chopsticks in one hand and the Internet in the other, through these mediums, the mouth chews the substance, the eyes absorb the knowledge and entertainment, the body fights inside, the brain and stomach compete for digestive energy, and we feel exhausted when a meal done...... The bodies of food do not come from around, their souls want home — What we eat is not a meal, but information.
